
Disruption on the Aibling railway line with a mega traffic jam – but why were the federal police on site?

Disruption on the Aibling railway line with a mega traffic jam – but why were the federal police on site?

  1. ovb-online-de
  2. Rosenheim
  3. Bad Aibling region

Disruption on the Aibling railway line with a mega traffic jam – but why were the federal police on site?
There were problems with the barrier system at the “Lindenstrasse” level crossing in Aibling rush hour on Monday morning. The police were also on site. At the time this picture was taken everything was working again. © Eva Lagler

Traffic jams in front of the barrier system on Lindenstrasse and slow traffic flow dominated the Aiblinger rush hour on Monday morning (November 11th). The federal police were also on site with a patrol. That was behind the operation.

Bad Aibling – Waiting at railway crossings in the city often comes at an inopportune time for road users, especially during rush hour. But most people usually plan for them. On Monday morning (November 11th), however, any time buffers on Lindenstrasse quickly disappeared: long queues up to the thermal baths gave an idea that something was different than usual.

“We didn’t know what was going on at all,” a driver told OVB who was on her way to Aibling train station. She was stuck in a long line of cars in front of the railway barrier for almost ten minutes. “Nothing moved. However, there was a truck in front of us, so we couldn’t see why it wasn’t going any further.” When the traffic eventually started moving, the driver could see a police car near the tracks.

Anyone standing further ahead in traffic could see that one of the cupboards was half suspended in the air. A not without danger situation. The reason for this was a technical malfunction in the barrier system, as a spokeswoman for Deutsche Bahn (DB) explained in response to an OVB request. A technician was then sent to Bad Aibling.

In addition, the emergency control center of DB AG informed the control center of the Rosenheim Federal Police Inspectorate about the disruption at around 7.30 a.m. and informed the Rosenheim Federal Police office that the technician notified by the railway was already on the way to the barrier in question, the spokesman for the Rosenheim Federal Police confirmed .

Situation with potential for danger

The patrol sent to Bad Aibling found the situation “that the barrier system initially worked properly, but only functioned incorrectly when it was closed again.” It was clear that a barrier at the level crossing was only half closed, meaning that motor vehicles could pass through on the street side would have been.”

The federal police patrols have therefore secured the level crossing to prevent traffic from crossing it while a train is passing through. The operation ended with the technician fixing the problem. According to the spokeswoman for Deutsche Bahn, this was the fall around 11 a.m. There were no major restrictions on train traffic.